Mississauga Club
Mississauga Pickleball
Hours of Operations
RR DOUBLES MIXERS - Wednesdays, Fridays 1-3pm
Wednesdays, Fridays 9-11pm
NEW Super Sunday Pickleball 7-10pm
Court Bookings- Mondays- 1-3pm
Pickleball at PRC Mississauga
Annual Membership $210 (plus hST)
Seniors (65+) Membership $150 (plus hST)
7-Day on line advance booking privilege
Membership is subject to HST. Membership is non refundable after club opening. Refunds prior to club opening are subject to a 5% admin fee.
6 Indoor Courts available for daytime Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and for nighttime play Wed and Fridays.
10 Indoor Courts available for Sunday night pickleball 7-9pm or 9-11pm
Certified Pickleball Coaches (TPA & PPR)
On-line registration system
Members 7-Day Bookings / Guests 3-Day Bookings
WEEKLY PROGRAMS (*all fees Plus HST)
Pickleball Doubles Mixers
Are you looking for organized pickleball play? Looking to meet and play with new players? Tired of playing on difficult surfaces?Sign up now for Pickleball Mixer Nights on brand new courts at PRC Mississauga. Enjoy organized play for your two hour session run by Mark Paklepa, USPTR Pickleball Professional.Mixer Nights are designed for picklers from levels 2.0-5.0 to enjoy matches with players of various levels. Social interaction is one of the key benefits of pickleball. Sign up alone or with friends, you’ll be sure to enjoy the fun!
6 courts - Wednesday 1-3pm and 9-11pm, Friday 1-3pm and Friday 9-11pm
Member rate: $6.20*($7 incl hst). Non member rate: $9.30*($10.50incl hst). All reservations are online with 7 days advance booking for members, 3 days for non members. If registration is low 24 hours prior, PRC may cancel the session.
10 courts - Sundays 7-10pm
$9.29 *($10.50 incl hst). Non member rate: $13.94*($15.75incl hst). All reservations are online with 7 days advance booking for members, 3 days for non members. If registration is low 24 hours prior, PRC may cancel the session.
PICKLEBALL COURT rentals (Mondays 1-3pm)
Fee is per Court for 2 hours:
$35.40*($40incl hst) for Members / $53.10*($60incl hst) for Non-members
Any Guest in a Member’s booking to add $5plus hst* Guest fee
One player to pay full fee upon booking. 1-Hour court rental available one day before
$17.70*($20incl hst) for Members & $26.66*($30incl hst) for Non-members
GROUP LESSONS (Pickleball Learn to Play 1 hour weekly sign up clinic)
Days: Wednesdays
Curious about picking up pickleball? Sign up to learn key fundamentals, rules and scoring to help you get started! Learn grip, stance, movement, rules scoring and basic shots and strategies. You’ll be the most feared pickler in your groups
Time: 8-9pm max # of players: 8
Cost: $20+hst members , $25+hst non member (min 3 to run a class)
Pickleball - Intermediate Skills and Drills 1 hour weekly sign up clinic
Days: Fridays
Time: 8-9pm max # of players: 8
Cost: $20+hst members , $25+hst non member (min 3 to run a class)
Tired of missing key shots? Tired of losing to the same players every week?
Sign up now to improve your decision making, power, touch, reflexes and learn key strategies. Time to be the partner everyone wants to have!!
CALL IN TO BOOK 647-398-9220. Registration is open 7 days in advance for members and 3 days advance for non members questions, please contact Mark Paklepa coachmarkprc@gmail.com.
As a Pickleball member, login to Courtreserve, go to events, find the date you want to book OR to to RESERVE COURT - find the date and time in the court sheet and click on that to register
As a Pickleball guest, go to the webpage for Pickleball at PRC MIssissauga
Create a Pickleball guest membership for free
Then go to events to find the RR on the day you choose or pick RESERVE TENNIS COURT - to find the date and time then click on it to register
Refunds and Withdrawal: You can withdraw with a full refund up to 24 hrs before the event. You can cancel online yourself or call in to the club

About PRC Pickleball Club
Located in the great pickleball community of Mississauga Ontario, the PRC pickleball has the intention of creating an exclusive club community that would provide an unrivaled member experience. We offer individual memberships as well as walk-in options, for players of all levels.
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the nation among all ages but especially for those over 50. Right here in Mississauga is the Pickleball “epicenter”, with many players of all levels at PRC Pickleball Club.
PRC offers scheduled and organized play for all levels, expert and nationally recognized instruction customized to each person’s needs and goals and most important, safe and fun play. PRC is affordably priced for enthusiasts of all ages and is a warm, friendly, welcoming, non-judgmental, fun-filled social environment in a beautiful and modern winter facility.
PRC programming is unparalleled in Ontario. From skilled open play sessions to competitive leagues and tournaments, we have many ways to get active and get playing! Our court calendar of events is packed with fun playing opportunities for everyone! We look forward to seeing you on the courts this season!