Brampton Rosalea Club

High Performance


High Performance Masters Program

PRC Brampton Rosalea has a commitment to excellence is all facets of our club, customer service to coaching to high performance. One of the area’s we are proud to support is Masters Tennis which is from age 30 to 90 sanctioned by the International Tennis Federation and Tennis Canada. We have some of the best player’s in the world representing our club at National and International events. You will see our ITF Team members playing on clubs teams, exhibitions and general play around the club. We congratulate our 2022/23 team members and wish them good luck in their competitions.


Kelly Stobbe

Former #36 ITF Womens Masters
Former Canadian National Team Member

Valerie Ushanova

Former #1 Canadian University
Former Canadian National Champion

Karl Hale

Former World #1 ITF 40’s Masters
Former Canadian National Champion

Benjamin Woo

Former World ITF #15 Masters
Current Canadian National Over 50 Team Member